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7 Reasons why you should travel with Metanoia Expeditions

Aparna Natha

Okay, let’s kick this off with a good old-school advertisement! Shall we?

Are you depressed? Are you mourning your cat’s death? Your Netflix hibernation period came to an end? Or do you just need to get rid of the numbness your lazy butt has been suffering from?

We at Metanoia know exactly what you need, from the best places to hang out and food way better than the ones you’ve been eating. What's more? Let me tell you.

1. Want to travel solo but not alone?

As brave and adventurous as traveling alone might sound, it comes with its own set of struggles. Being stalked by a spooky stranger or being stranded on a lonely highway with a troublesome internet connection and the most dreadful- loneliness crisis. Well, you don't have to go through all this! You’ll meet a bunch of great solo travelers on our trips, just like you, so you feel safe, comfy and at home with these like-minded travelers. If you got friends, we’re cool but if not that's cool too, you can skip hours and hours of those “if you come we’ll do that”..- conversations and tag along with us.

2. You’ll see and do things you couldn’t on your own

While travel guides might seem like an all-knowing encyclopedia about most travel-related things, there are some awesome experiences that they have no clue about. We know it's hard to believe, and that’s where we come in. We handpick the craziest activities and experiences for you. From an exact spot where a lion hunts an Impala for lunch in Africa to the best place to dive and scuba, your trip itineraries will include everything to make sure you had a trip to remember forever.

3. Let’s not drain you with that tiresome logistics planning

Information on the internet can get overwhelming sometimes, from finding the best hotel under budget to the right bus or connection or you may end up stranded in the middle of nowhere in a foreign land with some very disappointing communication skills. And Oh! those to-do lists - you end up cramming a week worth of activities in one day just because someone on their blog said so? Well! We plan all that stuff for you. You could be a busy bee or just really a couch potato. Either way, we got you covered! We include transportation, accommodation, meals, and an expert trip leader for any help you may need along the way.

4. Champagne life on a lemonade budget

Are our trip prices more than a random package online for the same destination? Yes! Are they expensive? NO! Take a deeper look, as we have included almost everything in the price. Since we plan trips for more people, we are able to get better deals from hotels and vendors and you get that benefit too. So that extra penny is going to be worthwhile.

5. Brace yourself to tick that bucket list

Want to try bungee jumping? Just that you don’t trust that flimsy harness? Snorkeling, surfing, skydiving, the cool shit you see in movies. Yeah, we actually get you to do them with all safety precautions already taken care of. And it's awfully crazy and awesome.

6. Swanky, cool, or warm? We'll get you the best accommodations around the world

We all know how disappointing it is to have a leaky tap in an otherwise okay hotel or what's even more horrifying is that strand of hair on the pillowcase. Well after you've done all those mind-bogglingly crazy bucket list stuff we'll get you a great place to sleep, chat, chill and get more of those experiences. And no strands of hair, promise!

7. Food! We do great food

Remember the fish curry you ate on your last trip and made you puke in the airport taxi? Let's not do that anymore. A hidden hole-in-a-wall café serving delicious Pad Thai in Thailand, sounds cool right? We’ll get you the best local or international food at all places all the time. We do our research well so that you get to taste the best the city has to offer. And if your tongue’s got a good memory you are likely to never forget it.

8. Okay, this is important! We ensure your safety.

Yeah, you read that right. We'll keep you safe. Don't know if that shady shack is a safe place for the evening? Or whether you need a cardigan for the winter? We have smart and experienced people to help you with that, who know what they're doing. Got questions about the trip? You'll get credible advice from reliable sources. And if you want us to convince your mom about the trip, we’ll take care of that too! :P

Once you experience the Metanoia way of travel then there is no other way. We give you breath-taking, life-changing, stress-murdering, memorable experiences.

What more reasons do you need? Book a trip with Metanoia and experience it for yourself! Happy Travelling!

Check out below what #MetanoiaFam has to say about their trips.


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